


Stocks app - in development

The guide to learning the stock market for beginners. Forget "get rich quick" schemes - this is how to avoid losing all your money.


Mobile game - soon in development

The strategy game that not only demands a good strategy, but to strategize your strategy. A game with a meta game!

Side projects


Drink Ally Remastered - coming soon

The social network for drinks and cocktails - Over 300 recipes, community section for custom recipes and tools for consumption!


Puzzle app - in development

Let your brain free in this equally relaxing and challenging puzzle app. Guaranteed fun for hours with more than 100 levels!




The year is 2018 and two freshmen at university named Lucas and Lucas realize that they happen to share a lot more than the same name. The following years were spent together in countless lectures, endless nights with tech projects and an occasional beer or two.

The graduation from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm closed a chapter in 2021, and started a new one. We were in the middle of starting our lives and carrers for real, but we could never really put our projects behind us for good.

Waddle Works

In 2023, after 5 years of collaboration, we finally decided to see where our ideas could take us if we started a company to broadcast our work. We could have taken the easy route, but decided to take on a challenge. One year later, on May 31st 2024, Waddle Works was born.

With backgrounds in tech and sales our small team has the perfect combination for complementary work, and heated discussions. Our sometimes polar opposites of perspectives is also our strength that gives us a multifaceted understanding of subjects that results in ideas that are both innovative and realistic.

Waddle Works
Rocket Launch


In accordance with our passion for technology our vision is to create products that provide intuitive tools that can simplify people's everyday life. But we are forever dependent on our personal interests and only pursue ideas that are in our zone of fulfillment.

Social Media

Waddle Works


Contact Us

Interested in working together, having issues with any of our products, or just want to know us better? Hit us up!